SELECTION COMMITTEE: +38 (067) 519-75-77
The department of management and ontopsychology
The Department of management and ontopsychology provides teaching of professionally oriented disciplines in the specialty “Management”.
The Department of Management and Ontopsychology provides teaching of professionally-oriented disciplines in the specialty “Management”. as well as academic disciplines designed to provide quality knowledge in the field of ontopsychology that meet high scientific and educational standards, with a view to their practical application by students in various spheres of human life.
The main directions of scientific activity of the department:
- development of a holistic approach in the field of theoretical research, individuality;
- identifying and promoting the development of leadership potential of the student;
- practical application of the ontopsychological approach;
- management of enterprises in the conditions of changes;
- HR;
- strategic management of sustainable development;
- change management on the basis of sustainable development and the theory of change;
- formation of personnel policy of enterprises, etc.
The department provides teaching of the following disciplines:
- management
- strategic management
- employment management
- personnel records management
- conflict management
- creative management
- image management
- HR
- quality management system in HR-management
- recruiting
- HP engineering
- leadership in management basics of ontopsychology
- psychology of behavior
- practical ontopsychology
- management psychology
- psychological analysis of the situation
- methods of management decisions
The department conducts research work on the problems of formation of management systems on the basis of leadership theory. Within the framework of the problem scientific researches are realized:
- strategic management of enterprises on the basis of sustainable development;
- formation of a change management system;
- adaptation of psychological methodology to enterprise management systems, etc.

Babina Olena Viktorivna
Life credo:
“There is only one good – knowledge, and only one evil – ignorance.”
(c) Socrates
Rector, Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Ontopsychologist Technician, Practitioner, Personal Development Expert, Founder of 3S Group of Companies.
Experience and competencies:
- 15 years of teaching and consulting;
- more than 1000 seminars and trainings in the fields of leadership, management and personnel management;
- 16 years of successful management and development of own business; advanced training and internships in different countries: Italy, Germany, Latvia, France, etc .;
- acquired competencies for the development of creative potential of leaders who are active participants in business, politics, art and other spheres of life;
- teaching and consulting experience;
- head coach;
- evaluation and development of the “Golden Reserve” (I-HR consulting);management and development of educational programs for the “Corporate University”.
- In 2018 she defended her dissertation on “Formation of change management system in the enterprise in the context of effective leadership.”
- In 2011 she graduated from the Federal State Budget Higher Education Institution “St. Petersburg State University” with a training program “Psychology” and gained the right to conduct professional activities in the field of ontopsychology.
- In 1996 she received a diploma of a specialist in “Business Economics”, specialization “Management” at Odessa State Economic University.
- In 1993 she graduated from Odessa State University. І.І. Mechnikov, majoring in English Language and Literature
Аreas of research interests:
- Authentication counseling;
- Formation of effective leadership methodology;
- Development of creative potential of leaders;
- Methods and tools of effective HR-management.

Morshchenok Tetyana Serhiivna
Life credo:
“The most important thing in communication is to hear what is not said.”
(c) Peter Ferdinand
Drucker Head of the Department, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Experience and competencies:
- 15 years of scientific and pedagogical activity in higher education institutions of Ukraine;
- 3 years of administrative and managerial activity in the Western Military District;
- 3 years of management and development of your own business;
- Internships and advanced training at construction and trade enterprises;
- Author of about 100 scientific and educational works, including: monograph – 1, collective monograph – 1, teaching aids – 5, scientific publications in professional publications – more than 30;
- Experience in the development, implementation and licensing of educational programs of various educational degrees in the specialties “Management”, “Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities”;
- Development of scientific and methodological support for academic disciplines: “Enterprise Economics”, “Project Analysis”, “Justification of Management Decisions and Risk Assessment”, “Strategic Enterprise Management” and others.
- Experience in organizing international scientific and practical conferences and the work of the technical secretary of a professional collection of scientific papers.
- Work in the commissions of the regional competition for gifted youth in the field of science in economics and their scientific advisers.
In 2011 received the academic title of associate professor of economics.
In 2008 she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences on “Strategic directions of personnel management improvement”, specialty 08.00.04 – Economics and business management (by type of economic activity),
In 2003 she graduated from Zaporizhia State University, majoring in Accounting and Auditing.
Areas of research interests:
- HR;
- Project management;
- Entrepreneurship development;
- E-commerce;
- Competitiveness of enterprises.

Ilienko Oksana Viktorivna
Life credo:
“The only way to do something very good is to love what you do”
(c) Steve Jobs
Professor of the Department, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Worker of Education, Expert of the Independent Agency for the Quality of Education in Management, Member of the Association “Ukrainian Logistics Alliance”
Experience and competencies:
- 17 years of teaching in a higher education institution of Ukraine;
- 9 years of managerial activity in University as the dean of the faculty,
- 2 years as the head of the department;
- author of more than 120 scientific works, including: textbooks – 6, textbooks – 1, monographs – 2, articles – 67, including 52 in collections with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2 publications in periodicals, which is included in the scientometric Scopus database, as well as 2 publications that are included in the scientometric database Web of Science;
- English language proficiency at B2 level;
- internships and advanced training in domestic and international (Poland) companies and research institutions.
In 2015 she defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Economics on the topic: “Methodology of marketing support of international economic security.”
In 2008 she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences, on the topic: “Organization of partnership management of enterprises in the logistics chains of air transportation.”
In 2000 she graduated from the Kyiv Institute of Communications of the Ukrainian State Academy of Communications. OS Popova, specialty “Information communication networks”.
Areas of research interests:
- Logistics;
- Supply chain management;
- Management;
- International marketing;
- SMM;
- Electronic marketing;
- E-commerce.

Shkurko Yaroslava Ivanivna
Life credo:
“If you want to build a ship, you don’t have to call people to go to the forest to cut down trees, saw them and then sew the boards together. Instead, teach them to dream of the sea”
(c) Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Associate Professor, Ph.D., HR-expert, business coach, psychologist.
Experience and competencies:
- 19 years of successful work in the HR-sphere (including more than 14 years of personnel management, HR-manager);
- 17 years of effective selection of personnel in various spheres of activity;
- 10 years of research work;
- 5 years of teaching work (development and implementation of a special course on psychology of management);
- 5 years of teaching work (development and implementation of a special course on management psychology);
- 5 years of business trainings: “Personnel management” (selection, adaptation, motivation to assess the accuracy of information, psychodiagnostic methods, etc.), “Effective interaction of units”, “Team building” management games, business games;
- Conducting interviews (projective, case, metaprogram, reliability assessment, etc.);
- Psychodiagnostics, testing;
- Personnel selection and team formation;
- Personnel evaluation and development, assessment center;
- Development and holding of educational events (seminars, trainings, business games, etc.);
- Development and implementation of HR-processes.
In 2000 – she defended her dissertation on the topic: “The influence of communicative features of a woman head of an educational institution on the effectiveness of its management” (specialty 19.00.05. – social psychology). Obtaining the degree of Candidate of Psychological Sciences.
In 1997-2000, the State Academy of Management of Education (graduate school).
In 1998 she graduated from the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management with a degree in practical psychology.
In 1996 she graduated from the Ukrainian State Pedagogical University. M. Drahomanov by specialty
Areas of reserch interest:
- Personnel management,
- selection, adaptation, staff motivation;
- Effective communication, effective interaction of divisions;
- Team building, team roles;
- Practical experience in personnel selection, psychodiagnostics, testing;
- Development of practical business games, staff development.

Kruhlov Kostiantyn Oleksandrovich
Life credo:
“Success consists of the bricks of daily work.”
Associate Professor, Managing Partner of Universum Holding. Experience and competencies:
- 20 years of management and development of own business;
- Advanced training and internships in different countries: Italy, Brazil, Latvia, Russia, etc. in educational programs in psychology and business psychology;
- Experience in developing the creative potential of leaders in business and other areas of activity.
In 2016, he graduated from the Federal State Budget Higher Education Institution “St. Petersburg State University” with a training program “Psychology”;
In 2015 he graduated from Kyiv National Economic University. Vadim Hetman, majoring in Jurisprudence; In 2007 he graduated from MIM-Kyiv and obtained a master’s degree in business administration;
In 2002 he graduated from Dnipropetrovsk National University with a degree in Business Economics.
Areas of reserch interest:
- Leadership, development of leadership potential;
- Innovations in education;
- Application of the humanistic criterion in various spheres of human activity (education, business, politics).

Khomenko Iryna Bohdanivna
Life credo:
“Each of us has a style – you just have to find it.”
(c) Diana von Furstenberg
Associate Professor, Ph.D., private entrepreneur. Areas of business – tailoring and leather accessories, interior floristry.
Experience and competencies::
- 13 years of teaching in higher education institutions;
- 6 years of management as a project manager in the field of corporate culture management and fashion industry;
- Author of more than 30 scientific works, including one collective monograph co-authored;
- Internship and advanced training in Poland, Wroclaw (Office for Competition and Consumer Protection of the Republic of Poland).
In 2016, she graduated from the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “St. Petersburg State University” with the program of professional retraining “Psychology”, direction of training: “Ontopsychology”.
In 2009 she defended her dissertation on the specialty 08.00.02 World Economy and International Economic Relations. Dissertation topic: “The impact of transnational corporations on the competitive environment of the national economy.”
In 2003 she graduated from Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics and received a full higher education in “Antitrust Management” and qualified as an antitrust manager.
Areas of research interests:

Ioffe Mykhailo Volodymyrovich
Life credo:
“Successful and rich people always learn, and the poor and lazy already know everything.”
Associate Professor, psychologist, partner of a consulting company.
Experience and competencies:
- 15 years of successful experience in business management and development;
- Advanced training and internships in different countries: Italy, Latvia, France, Switzerland, Brazil, etc. in educational programs in business psychology;
- Acquired competencies in communication management, effective negotiation, effective sales techniques.
He graduated from the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “St. Petersburg State University” in 2017 with a training program “Psychology” and obtained the right to perform a new type of professional activity in the field of ontopsychology.
In 2009 he graduated from the SEMBA program of the Private Higher Educational Institution “International Institute of Management (MIM-Kyiv)” with a degree in “Business Administration”.
In 2002 he graduated from the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine and received a diploma with honors in “Business Economics”.
Areas of research interests:
- Non-verbal communications;
- Effective communications;
- Proxemics, kinetics, physiognomy;
- The art of negotiation in sales.

Никифорчин Мар’яна Дмитрівна
Life credo:
“Whoever wants to move the world, let him move himself.”
(c) Socrates
St. lecturer of the department, expert in the field of project management.
Experience and competencies::
- More than 8 years of project management experience;
- 3 years of teaching in HEI;
- Advanced training and internships in different countries: Italy, Brazil, etc .;
- Acquired competencies for the development of corporate culture;
- Teaching marketing, strategic and project management;
- Advising on the analysis and assessment of the market environm
In 2019 she defended her dissertation research of the candidate of economic sciences on the topic: “Management of increasing the operational efficiency of industrial enterprises”.
In 2017, the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “St. Petersburg State University” under the program of professional retraining “Psychology”, direction “Ontopsychology”.
In 2010 she graduated from Kyiv National Economic University. Vadym Hetman, specialty “Management of organizations”,
Areas of research interests:
- Entrepreneurial project management and leadership in project management;
- Change management and organizational development;
- Operational efficiency management;
- Crisis management.

habetnik Alexander Sergeevich
Teacher of the department, practicing business coach, coach.
Expert in sales, management, communications and HR technologies.
Experience and competencies:
- Experience in the specialty of business coach, HR-expert – since 2008
- Practical experience working with large national and international trading companies
- Extensive experience in building training and staff development systems
- Author of numerous articles on sales technology, management and communication psychology
- More than 2000 successfully implemented training programs and projects
In 2009 he graduated from the National Pedagogical University named after MP Drahomanov, majoring in Psychology.
In 2005 he graduated from the National University of Food Technology with a degree in “Integrated Information Systems and Technologies”.
Areas of research interests:
- Psychology of communications;
- Sales and negotiation technologies;
- Methods of business process and personnel management.

Parubsky Igor Georgievich
Teacher of the department, owner of the media group “Home and Interior” Experience and competencies:
- 21 years of management and development of own business;
- Research in the field of business psychology and communication;
- Research in the field of information memetics..
He studied at the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “St. Petersburg State University” in the training program “Psychology”.
In 1990 he graduated from Odessa State University. II Mechnikov, Faculty of Biology, Department of Human Physiology, specialization on “Epilepsy. Cells of excitement “.
Research interests::
- Psychology;
- Memetics;
- Marketing; Management;
- Communications in business.

Tiutiun Olga Vladimirovna
Life credo:
“A person dies when he stops changing, and a funeral is just a formality”
(c) Henry Ford.
Lecturer of the department, managing partner of LLC “Commercial Mediation Group” (Commercial Mediation Group)
Experience and competencies:
- Certified business and family mediator.
- Certified business coach.
- 20 years of experience in the customs authorities (1993-2013), including in the central office of the State Customs Service of Ukraine (2002-2013). She held the position of Deputy Head of the Legal Support Department.
- As an expert, she participated in the preparation and holding of meetings of the Council of Heads of Customs Services of the Commonwealth of Independent States, bilateral and multilateral negotiations with the customs of neighboring countries on customs security.
- In 2013-2016 she worked in the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, where she was engaged in the pre-trial settlement of disputes over the payment of customs duties. He has a special title of Tax and Customs Adviser of the I (first) rank. She was a member of the working group at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on the preparation of the bill “On Mediation”.
- Since 2016 – practicing mediator in the field of business, organizational, family mediation. She has experience in mediation commissioned by the United States Agency for International Development (USAD). She is a member of the ethics committee and the Young Business Club mediator pool.
- She is a mediator of the Mediation Center at the Kyiv Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Mediation and Mediation Center of the Kyiv City Center for Social Services for Families, Children and Youth, and the City Children’s Center (Kyiv MDA Children’s Service).
- She is a trainer of the Taxes of Ukraine Association and the Tax Consultants Training Center. She has experience of teaching in the master’s educational and certificate educational program “Professional Mediation” of Yuri Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University;
- Co-author and trainer of the training “The Art of Mediation for Lawyers” (a joint project of UCM and the Higher Harm of AAU Advocacy), trainings on Basic Mediator Skills, trainings-specializations in family mediation at the School of Mediation of the Bar Academy of Ukraine, Zaporozhye Charitable Foundation Kolping in the Carpathians.
- Since 2018 he has been conducting author’s trainings “Constructive conflict with the authorities: strategies of success”, “The art of accurate questions”.
- In 2020, she co-authored and coached the online course Mediation for Lawyers and the specialized course Basic Family Mediator Skills. Founder of the Mediation Practice Workshop project.
In 2021 she graduated from Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky State Pedagogical University named after Hryhoriy Skovoroda, majoring in Psychology
In 2008 she graduated from the Ukrainian State University of Finance and International Trade with a degree in International Law.
In 1999 she graduated from Kyiv State University of Trade and Economics with a degree in “Commodity Science and Customs Expertise”.
Research interests:
- mediation;
- psychology of conflict;
- strategy and tactics of the negotiation process.

Vasylchuk Svitlana Stanislavivna
Life credo:
“Even if you’ve been eaten, you still have two options”
Lecturer of the department, Ph.D., private practice lawyer, tax consultant.
Experience and competencies:
- more than 8 years she worked in the bodies of the State Tax Service of Ukraine in the departments of legal work and administrative appeal;
- individual law practice since 2016;
- Associate Professor of Criminal Law, State University of Infrastructure and Technology;
- Lecturer of the Training Center of Tax Consultants of the Association “Taxes of Ukraine.
In 2015 she defended her dissertation on the topic: “Legal regulation of tax control over the collection of indirect taxes.”
In 2010 she graduated from Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics and received a full higher education in “Management of Organizations”, specialization “Crisis Management”.
In 2007 she graduated with honors from the National University of the State Tax Service of Ukraine with a degree in Jurisprudence, specializing in “Financial and legal support of the state.”
Research interest:
- financial and economic security of taxpayers; tax optimization;
- improvement of tax control and tax legislation;
- Labor Law;
- tax disputes and offenses;
- criminal offenses in the field of economics.