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Запрошуємо 22 травня на факультатив «Легенди моди. Світ Крістіана Діора»

Dear professors, teachers, member of staff and students of the Institute of Psychology and Entrepreneurship!
We sincerely congratulate you on the beginning of the new school year and Knowledge Day!
Congratulations to the entrants on the beginning of a new chapter of your life, definitely full of inspiration and outstanding achievements!
As Aristotle said: “The most pleasant for us are the words that give us knowledge,” because you are with us, in the IPE, you are on the right way and the student years will be pleasant!
Wishing not to dwell on your quest for perfection
Rectorate of the Institute of Psychology and Entrepreneurship
The Institute of Psychology and Entrepreneurship hosted a graduation ceremony. This year, the first IPE students successfully defended their final qualification work and received diplomas.
The first students who entered the IPE in 2018 for the MINI MBA program in the field of “HR-management” have passed 10 training modules and demonstrated in their final qualification paper all the theoretical and practical knowledge gained in the lectures of the IPE. Among the graduates are business owners, recruitment specialists, as well as Ukrainian politicians.
During the celebrations, the co-founder of IPE Konstantin Kruglov addressed the graduates with a welcoming and motivational speech.
“Great responsibility lies on IPE students and graduates as they have such a wide range of knowledge and skills, you look at the world differently. So, you make a challenge to the society, which allows you to develop not only business of your life, but also stimulate the development of everything around you, it allows you to make the world a better place, “said Associate Professor of Ontopsychology and IPP teacher Konstantin Kruglov.
Rector of the Institute of Psychology and Entrepreneurship Iryna Anatoliivna Ignatieva also addressed the students with welcoming speech. Doctor of Economic Science wished the graduates to remain successful, optimistic and to make efforts to develop Ukraine’s economy.
«Over the years of your training, IPE has created a platform for you, which opens up a space for new opportunities for everyone.With new knowledge, new experience, your personality has been transformed into another – more conscious. I congratulate all graduates and wish you to allow yourself to be successful and make it a rule to move only forward,” said Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship Irina Ignatieva.
In turn, IPE graduates addressed words of gratitude to their mentors. As a token of gratitude, the teachers and the rector were given symbolic “golden diplomas of the best teachers” as presents.
The solemn moment of the holiday was awarding of diplomas to the graduates of the MINI MBA program.
Teachers of the Institute of Psychology and Entrepreneurship from July 30 to August 2 held the annual forum IPP SUMMER SESSION. Business owners, company directors, recruitment specialists and Ukrainian politicians took part in the four-module educational marathon.
The first day of the marathon was dedicated to the topic of finding and adapting staff under new conditions: online interviews and online onboarding.
Teacher of IPE, Candidate of Psychology. Ph.D., HR-expert Yaroslava Shkurko offered the forum participants ready-made cases and practical solutions for finding and adapting staff during the pandemic.
Together with the trainer, the participants learned about analysis and interpretation of candidate’s answers, adaptation and effective start of employees under conditions of remote work and a lot more.
Experienced recruiters know that people have possibility to prepare carefully for the interview as there are many tips for job candidates on the net. However, some information about potential employee, which the person usually does not prepare intentionally and in advance, can help in shaping real portrait of the individual. It was these non-standard approaches to recruitment which the participants of the educational module learned on the second day from the teacher of IPE, Candidate of Economic Sciences, trainer-practitioner Iryna Khomenko.
The lecturer told the audience about peculiarities of social networks psychology, noting that having searched for individual characteristics of candidate’s personality through personal profile on social networks, you can shape candidate’s portrait through his soft skills. As these are the very skills that privide his successful participation in the work process and its productivity. Therefore, only one avatar can tell about the habits and interests of the account owner. Also, during the module, participants considered issues of self-presentation in the profile, learned about methods of social networks and messengers analysis, ways of dangers identification based on preferences and comments.
The third day of the training was supervised by Dr. Ped. Sciences, Professor Tatiana Ivanova. The IPE teacher conducted a media literacy course for the marathon listeners, thanks to which the audience learned about the secrets of the Ukrainian media functioning, about ways of resistance to technologies and tactics of manipulating consciousness.
The professor helped the participants of the marathon to master the knowledge and skills of protection against cyber attacks on the Internet and taught to recognize fake and truth in the media, because in a situation of total aftertruth the winner is the one who can distinguish propaganda and facts
On the 4th day of the training, the participants of the marathon learned from Olena Babina – entrepreneur, ontopsychologist, president of the Institute of Psychology and Entrepreneurship, how to effectively manage under conditions of uncertainty and continuous changes
The IPE teacher shared the methods of making strategic decisions and identifying ways to develop the company with the audience of the IPE SUMMER SESSION educational marathon. In her course, Elena Babina also revealed seven principles of leadership for managers and leaders based on life and work experience of the legendary Enzo Ferrari – Italian designer and entrepreneur.
Larysa Tarasyuk, a lecturer at the Institute of Psychology and Entrepreneurship, an associate professor at the Institute of Psychology and Entrepreneurship, spoke in her author’s lecture about search for the values of life about how to realize one’s real needs. Most of us do not realize that we can consciously choose our values, and therefore we do not choose them – but they choose us.
To find the so-called “focal” point of view, which will give the correct impression of both the details and the whole, the IPE teacher invited the audience to consider the theory of human values through the prism of axiology, the philosophical doctrine of the values nature.
The Doctor of Philosophy noted that axiology as an independent field of study arises when the concept of being is split into two elements: reality and value as the object of various human desires and aspirations.
Values, according to axiology, are a certain normative category that covers everything which can be a goal, an ideal, an object of attraction, aspiration and interest.
The main concepts and categories of this theory are the good, dignity, meaning, evaluation, benefit, victory, meaning of life, happiness, respect, etc.
Larysa Tarasyuk stressed that a stable set of values of a person determines such personality qualities as integrity, reliability, fidelity to certain principles and ideals, the ability to willpower in the name of these values and ideals, activity in life, persistence in achieving goals. At the same time, contradictions in value orientations give rise to inconsistencies in behavior, underdevelopment, infantilism, the dominance of external stimuli in the internal structure of the individual, the influence of the desire object on the need.
Values according to the marks of existence
Values are determined by the sense of life, intelligence and probability, as Larisa Tarasyuk claimed.
The head of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities at IPE noted the need to clearly define for each individual what attitude he wants to embody, and then consciously, purposefully and systematically do everything necessary to develop and consolidate this attitude in his own value system
The lecturer also told the audience about types of values according to the lifeside, highlighting the following:
The side of cause — freedom, love, creativity, some root cause of everything that happens
The side of intuition — accurate clear consciousness, holistic knowledge, getting to the point.
Eidos side – ideas, project (Plato and his doctrine of eidos)
The side of the heart is a spiritual center that connects the microworld and the macroworld of an individual, it is qualities, empathy, compassion, mercy, warmth, etc..
The mental side is thoughts, our acquired intellect.
The sensual side, the astral – psycho-emotional side, human feelings.
Physical side – material values: food, clothes, housing, material support.
Value thinking generates precious thoughts, ideas, projects
Associate Professor of Social Sciences and Humanities also noted that value thinking forms holistic worldview, which has independence, self-criticism, self-knowledge, creativity, a deep desire for system. At the same time, this is what gives the opportunity to gain confidence, stability in life, and the holistic worldview is a constant process of personal development, a constant work of the spirit that overcomes its own limitations.
The product of value thinking is creativity, as well as the embodiment of its ideas in the world of objectification. Personality development does not allow omitting of stages. Each previous step carries precious experience, which it passes on to the next and so on endlessly.Therefore, the stages of our development cannot be missed. We all go up the stairs of life and it is necessary to go through all its stages, i.e life stages. By jumping, stopping, hurrying, we can disturb the harmony of our evolution.
Larysa Tarasyuk assured that everyone should ask himself directly, unambiguously and honestly: “What are my values? Are they manifested in me? And if not, then why? ” Once you realize your attitude to the world it begins to change.Surface changes occur quickly, deeper ones are slower. Therefore, it is necessary to build your own hierarchy of values, in accordance with the highest spiritual, moral values.