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HR-management is a direction in which many new professions have appeared in recent years: HR-manager, recruiter, headhunter, training and development Manager, etc. Let’s look at the goals, responsibilities and features of these professions in more detail.
T&D Manager (Training&Development Manager),
training and development Manager.
Managers of many modern companies share the view that it is possible to make the staff the best by attracting the best, while constantly training and developing, and thus stimulating long-term and effective work in the company. In this regard, companies introduce the position of Training and development Manager or T&D Manager. The goal of the T&D Manager position is to ensure a continuous process of training and development of the company’s personnel.
The main activities of the T&D Manager:
- planning and organizing the learning process;
- coordination of actions of all participants in the corporate training process;
- budgeting of training and development programs;
- development of training programs, methodological activities;
- conducting training and evaluating its effectiveness;
- normative, reporting work on the training conducted;
- participation in other HR-projects (formation and development of corporate culture, development of motivational programs, talent management, performance).
HR (human recourses)
Структура HR-відділу в компанії безпосередньо залежить від того, як влаштована сама компанія. На великому підприємстві над цим працюють кілька відділів, кожен з яких веде розробку і впровадження відповідних напрямків з рекрутингу, навчання та розвитку персоналу, діловодства, оцінки співробітників.
В невеликих компаніях за весь HR-процес часто відповідає фахівець, який вирішує цілий спектр завдань.
У посадові обов’язки HR, зазвичай, входить:
- укомплектування організації працівниками відповідних професій, спеціальностей та рівня кваліфікації;
- визначення потреби в персоналі;
- вивчення ринку праці з метою визначення усіх джерел для забезпечення підприємства персоналом;
- проведення співбесіди, тестування, а також інших заходів, що допомагають визначити професійні навички та соціально-психологічні якості персоналу, який вже працює та кандидатів, які претендують на зайняття вакантних посад;
- організація заходів, спрямованих на “введення в посаду” – швидку адаптацію нових співробітників;
- координація роботи з навчання, підвищення кваліфікації персоналу для успішного розвитку ділової кар’єри;
- підготовка та донесення інформації щодо кадрових перестановок, пов’язаних із вирішенням стратегічних питань організації;
- організація роботи з атестації та оцінки персоналу;
- участь у прийнятті рішень із найму, переведення, просування, зниження, накладення адміністративних стягнень, звільнення працівників;
- консультація з питань, пов’язаних зі здійсненням ефективного управління кадрами;
- участь у плануванні, соціальному розвитку, вирішенні трудових суперечок і конфліктів у колективі;
- оформлення трудових контрактів, договорів, а також ведення особистих справ співробітників;
- систематизація та ведення кадрової документації.
The structure of the HR Department in the company directly depends on how the company itself is organized. At a large enterprise, several departments are working on this, each of which is developing and implementing appropriate areas for recruiting, training and development of personnel, office management, and employee evaluation.
In small companies, the entire HR-process is often the responsibility of a specialist who solves a whole range of tasks.
HR’s job responsibilities usually include:
- staffing the organization with employees of the relevant professions, specialties and skill levels;
- determining the need for staff;
- study of the labor market in order to determine all sources for providing the company with personnel;
- conducting interviews, testing and other activities that help determine the professional skills and socio-psychological qualities of staff who are already working and candidates applying for vacant positions;
- organization of events aimed at “introduction to the position” – rapid adaptation of new employees;
- coordination of personnel training and professional development for successful business career development;
- preparation and reporting of information about personnel changes related to the solution of strategic issues of the organization;
- organization of work on certification and evaluation of personnel;
- participation in decision-making on hiring, transfer, promotion, reduction, imposition of administrative penalties, and dismissal of employees;
- consultation on issues related to the implementation of effective personnel management;
- participation in planning, social development, resolution of labor disputes and conflicts in the team;
- registration of labor contracts, contracts, and personal records of employees;
- systematization and maintenance of personnel documentation.
Comparative characteristic | |
Recruiter | Headhunter |
Work strategy | |
Passive strategy – waiting for feedback on ads and communicating with job seekers who are actively looking for work. | Active strategy – the search scope also applies to employees who are not looking for work at the moment, but may be interested in the offer. |
Strategic objective | |
The task is to find applicants for vacancies very quickly.
As a rule, formally performs the tasks of the company’s Manager to select the right person for a vacant job. |
The goal is to attract the best employees to the company – professionals in their field.
Understands what benefits the organization or enterprise will receive from each specialist in monetary terms. |
Base skills | |
In addition to the skills of the recruiter:
Happiness manager
The introduction of a new position – Happiness manager – is associated with the emergence of one of the world’s trends – “managing” the happiness and well-being of its employees. Most often in Ukraine, this position is found in the IT sphere.
Happiness manager – specialist responsible for the happiness and well-being of employees.
The concept of employee welfare covers not only comfortable working conditions, but also motivation programs, corporate events, and additional benefits.
In general, this is an opportunity to develop and realize your own potential, a sense of belonging to the success of the company and personal contribution to the common cause, a positive atmosphere in the team, open and accessible for communication top management, recognition and respect.
Possible goals and business objectives of HM: reducing staff turnover and the number of employees prone to frequent seasonal diseases, increasing the level of staff loyalty, and increasing employee productivity.
Of course, the above-mentioned and new professions will appear and have already appeared in many HR departments of large companies. This is due to the fact that environmental conditions dictate their own rules, leading to a total transformation of HR departments.